
"Live It Up" - John Legend

Song Quote: "You Know.. We've been struggling a long time. Working here just to get by, Now its time for me to finally get mine!"

Well I have officially started my new job! Its at a small lingerie shop just next door to my old (and still current shoe job).. I hope one day I will be able to say lingerie without blushing, I am 25 after all!

And are you asking yourself is Alix working two jobs? Why yes! I work friday, saturdays and Sunday and I flip back in forth between the two jobs. Sounds pretty hetic doesnt it? Oh and I will soon throw school into that mix! Oh my oh my how does she do it? I really dont know I am just really happy that I wont have to go from school straight to work because that would truly be a headache.

This job couldnt have come at a better time and am really lucky that the owner is a true gem and very nice.

Its funny because I think someone from my shoe job said I was kinda of tomboyish to work in a shop that is practically all pink but that just goes to show me that she doesnt really know me.

I think its actually a good fit. The best part is that I dont feel all stressed out. Even though I am in the store alone and all of the responsibility falls on me, I am comfortable with it, Surpsrisingly!

Does this mean that am growing up and one day I could possibly juggle a family and a career? Or does it mean that the experience of moving to England and not being able to rely on my parents 100% has made me into the sort of person that can take a challenge and make the best of it.

It may not seem to most of you that being in a shop alone is such a big deal but hello! I am the girl that would ask her brother to ask the waiter for a fork or napkin because I was just to shy.

I guess my baby steps have brought me a long way!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hey gorgeous, so I found ur blog and damn I haven't read it in forever.

Love u tons and what a snazzy picture!

I have my meeting with the warden today, whoops lol.

I'll let you know how it goes.

Watched OTH have to say I was quite upset about it again, ahhh what is wrong with me, I hate my oth funk, get me out of it sweetie.

Love u tons
and have the best day x
Amerish x