
'Feel like I know Nothing' - Antigone Rising

'I get nervous, and then I get tired when I think (I know everything) but when I speak ( I don't say very much) Feel like I know nothin'

ok theres really no time but since I have decided to call it quits for the night on my paper why not update my blog.

I have a paper due on The Fashion photograph on wed and I have to work all day tomorrow but for some reason am just not worried. Hmm thats either because I have alot of research done and am overly confident about it or am just stupid and I dont want to admit that I know nothing.

I will go with the research one.

So I have been busy with work and my internship and both are going pretty good.

'Work is work' thats like my fave saying from the Wonder Years... that sure takes me back.

The intership is still a little hard to get comfortable in because I only work there on sundays but its cool standing in the studio and watching it live.

Next week we are having robbie williams on the show and the staff is over excited, Theres alot of hype surrounding him over here so it will be interesting to meet him.

ok so enough procrastinating maybe I should finish my outline its barely midnight..

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